Slovak version
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Agda Bavi Pain is hardcore author / writer / scriptwriter / copywriter / publicist / artist from Slovakia with Turkish roots.
Controversial artist working under various brands and artistic names (Tony Gaal, Aladár Hrča, a.o.). Author of book of satanic poems "Bone & Skin" ("Kost & Koza") and killer thriller novel "World’s End" ("Koniec Sveta", "Am Ende Der Welt" in German) awarded with Big Prize for East European Literature Bank Austria Literaris 2008. Agda also writes for TV shows and series, theatre, magazines, media, and advertising, and is a frontman of the banned black band Liter Gena. Agda Bavi Pain is a playwriter of the pagan comedy for adults only "Pogrom Slavia" in famous Dezorz Puppet Theatre and also the scriptwriter of the forthcoming first slovak slasher horror movie "Death Factory: Young Blood" (Fabrika Smrti: Mlada Krv).
His new book of poems "Knight Without Fame & Shame" and novel "How I Put An End To Showbiz" will be released soon.